Held on the same weekend as the LCI Father's Day Fishing Derby, little anglers will have a chance to compete as well. Event is held at the Windemere Way Fishing Access Area.
Registration Opens 9:30 a.m.
Fishing 10 a.m. - noon
Awards 12:30 p.m.
Refreshments will be provided by
Shaw's Supermarkets
This free event is open to children 14 years and younger accompanied by an adult
No experience necessary
Fishing rods and bait available to anyone who does not have their own equipment
Every participant will leave with a new fishing pole courtesy of LCI and Ray's Seafood Market and Restaurant
Any species of fish caught at the Colchester Point Fishing Access is eligible as long as it is legal
Winning fish will be based on heaviest weight and earliest weighed-in in the event of ties. Only fish weighed in and released alive will be eligible for awards
Please note that per Vermont Fish & Wildlife law, an angler under the age of 15 does not need a fishing license, however, an adult may not touch any part of the the rod, line, or fish unless they have a fishing license
All VT State fishing regulations apply
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